Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers on Corporate Gifts

Does offer any corporate gifts which the price is less then rm20 per unit?

Yes Definitely. As a General Rule, The Order Quantity will have a strong impact on the price of the corporate gifts. The Larger Ordered Quantity of the corporate gifts, the better price that we can offer to our value client.

Do you offer other type of corporate gifts which is not showcase in portfolio?

Yes. Absolutely! We can offer various type of premium corporate gift ideas which able to full-filled client budget as well as the business goal because we have very strong relationship with our local corporate gifts manufacturer and international corporate gifts manufacturer.

Do you provide personalized corporate gifts or customised corporate gifts to local company in malaysia?

Yes. This is one of the our Core Strength because we have extensive experience in performing customized corporate gifts for some of our international client which require an extremely strict standard of procedure in producing the customized corporate gifts.

Do you provide sample of customized corporate gifts for management approval before we start order the corporate gifts in bulk?

Yes. As the matter of fact, this is one of core service which provided by in order to archieve our business vision which is becoming the best corporate gifts supplier, best premium gifts supplier and best door gifts supplier in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. We can deliver the Sample corporate gifts within 5-8 working days.

Do you have ready stock for corporate gifts?

Yes . We do keep stock some of the fast-moving corporate gifts for our dedicated client.



Does your company provide delivery services on corporate gifts to southeast asia country?

Yes . We Always help our Corporate Client to deliver the Corporate Gift to their value Client to southeast asia country such as singapore, thailand, brunei and philippines.



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